What is Hazard Mitigation?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines hazard mitigation as: “any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards and their effects. This definition distinguishes actions that have a long-term impact from those that are more closely associated with immediate preparedness, response, and recovery activities. Hazard mitigation is the only phase of emergency management specifically dedicated to breaking the cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.”


In 2018, EUP Regional Planning & Development Commission (EUPRP&DC), together with Chippewa County Office of Emergency Services, facilitated the 5 Year Update of the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for Chippewa County. The purpose of this plan is to better understand the natural hazards and their impacts on the people and property of the County. But the plan is not simply a descriptive exercise. The plan is intended as a plan of action, identifying a wide range of options to reduce the County’s vulnerability to natural hazards. The plan was prepared as a multi-jurisdictional plan. All local units of government in the County were invited to participate in the planning process. The decision whether or not to participate in this process was and remains a local decision, based on local community needs. Communities have the options to not prepare a plan, to prepare a standalone plan for their jurisdiction, or to participate in a multi-jurisdiction or county-wide plan. The 2021 Chippewa County Natural Hazard Mitigation has been finalized and submitted for approval by FEMA.  The current document and previous versions can be viewed or down loaded by expanding the links below.

A final draft of the 2014 Chippewa County Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for review by clicking on the links below. (Some of the files, due to their size, may not view properly.  If you experience difficulty in viewing the files, try viewing/opening with Adobe Acrobat or do a right click and save as to download to your computer to view or contact us.)

Cover Page/Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – County Profile

Chapter 3 – Hazard Analysis

Chapter 4- Mitigation Strategy

Chapter 5 – Implementation

Appendix A – Chippewa County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee

Appendix B – Planning Documentation

Appendix C – Public Comments

Appendix D – Maps 1-5

Appendix D – Maps 6-10

Appendix D – Maps 11-15

Appendix D – Maps 16-20

Appendix E – Community Profiles

Appendix F – Sample Resolution of Adoption

Appendix G – Action Plan Detailed


In 2018, Luce County Office of Emergency Services, together with EUP Regional Planning & Development Commission (EUPRP&DC), facilitated the 5 Year Update of the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for Luce County. The purpose of this plan is to better understand the natural hazards and their impacts on the people and property of the County. But the plan is not simply a descriptive exercise. The plan is intended as a plan of action, identifying a wide range of options to reduce the County’s vulnerability to natural hazards. The plan was prepared as a multi-jurisdictional plan. All local units of government in the County were invited to participate in the planning process. The decision whether or not to participate in this process was and remains a local decision, based on local community needs. Communities have the options to not prepare a plan, to prepare a stand alone plan for their jurisdiction, or to participate in a multijurisdiction or county-wide plan. Luce County’s plan is pending approval by FEMA. The current document and previous versions can be viewed or down loaded by expanding the links below.


In 2018, Mackinac County Office of Emergency Services, together with EUP Regional Planning & Development Commission (EUPRP&DC), facilitated the development of the 5 Year Update of the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for Mackinac County.  The purpose of this plan is to better understand the natural hazards and their impacts on the people and property of the County. But the plan is not simply a descriptive exercise. The plan is intended as a plan of action, identifying a wide range of options to reduce the County’s vulnerability to natural hazards. The plan was prepared as a multi-jurisdictional plan. All local units of government in the County were invited to participate in the planning process. The decision whether or not to participate in this process was and remains a local decision, based on local community needs. Communities have the options to not prepare a plan, to prepare a stand alone plan for their jurisdiction, or to participate in a multi-jurisdiction or county-wide plan. Mackinac County’s plan is pending approval by FEMA. The current document and previous versions can be viewed or down loaded by expanding the links below.

A final draft of the 2014 Mackinac County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for review by clicking on the links below. (Some of the files, due to their size, may not view properly. If you experience difficulty in viewing the files, try viewing/opening with Adobe Acrobat or do a right click and save as to download to your computer to view or contact us.)

Cover Page/Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – County Profile

Chapter 3 – Hazard Analysis

Chapter 4- Mitigation Strategy

Chapter 5 – Implementation

Appendix A – Mackinac County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee

Appendix B – Planning Documentation and Public Comments

Appendix C – Critical Facilities

Appendix D – Community Profiles

Appendix E – Sample Resolutions for Adoption

Appendix F – Action Plan Detailed
Appendix G – Other Significant Historical Events